Saturday, October 2, 2010

Minnesota Democrat Dusty Trice

Dusty Trice is a Democratic political strategist and new media consultant based out of St. Paul, MN.  He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Political Science from North Dakota State University and over 14 years of campaign experience.
In 2008 Dusty Trice worked as the Logistics Director for Al Franken for Senate and was responsible for Advance, Logistics & Special Projects.  In 2006 Trice was a Regional Field Director at the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor Party (DFL).  He managed two Coordinated Campaign offices and three off-site phonebanks, supervised district field organizers and was responsible for field events, voter file and database management, voter contact reports and activist trainings.
Prior to that Dusty Trice was with the Democratic National Committee DNC as a Regional Field Director, where he worked as an organizer on Gov. Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy.  In 2005 Dusty Trice was the Campaign Manager for the non-profit group Smart Growth based in Fargo, ND.  He managed a successful grassroots special election campaign and GOTV efforts, garnering 71% of the vote and was accountable for fundraising, budget development, press strategy, voter contact and campaign finance reporting.  In the 2004 election cycle Dusty worked for Congressman Earl Pomeroy performing voter outreach, including doorknocks, phonebanks, volunteer recruitment, absentee voting and GOTV.
Dustin Trice has extensive campaign experience having spent time organizing for the DCCC Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee on the 2004 Stephanie Herseth special election campaign in South Dakota, canvassing for the North Dakota Dem-NPL Coordinated Campaign.  He has also worked for Metropolitan State University in the College of Management as the Assistant to the Dean, as an on-air Board Operator at North Dakota Public Radio, as cohost of Minnesota Matters on Air America AM950 KTNF.  His complete campaign history goes all the way back to 1995 when he worked as a volunteer coordinator for the North Dakota Republican party and was a founding member of the Bismarck Public School Values Committee.